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Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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Monterey Sculptor Thrives on Talent and Toughness B Y R E N E E B R I N C K S M onterey artist Yves Goyatton navigates life with an impressive tenacity. After fly- ing from his native France to New York in 1999, he spent his savings on a car. Though Goyatton spoke no English at the time, he made the cross-country journey to Los Angeles in just eight days. A few weeks later, his car burst into flames. "I didn't speak the language and I had no car in L.A. I realized that this would be a long, diffi- cult journey," Goyatton laughs. He persevered, earning English cer tification in six months and turning his professional focus to sculpture. When Monterey Peninsula College offered him a scholarship, Goyatton moved nor th. He's since established himself with refined pieces that explore the relation- ships between people and their environment, juxtaposing the human form with architectur- al elements. Goyatton's determination also earned him Carmel Art Association membership in 2010, after five years of applying. He'll display several new pieces there during an October group sculpture show. The opening reception takes place on Saturday, Oct. 8, from 5-7 pm. and Goyatton will be sculpting live before the recep- tion from 3-5pm. "I'm really grateful for this community that inspires me with its passion, its arts and its artists," says Goyatton. "To survive doing what I love is the most beautiful thing I can ever ask for." To learn more about Yves Goyatton, please visit SHORTCUTS ART Monterey Sculptor Yves Goyatton, originally from France, showcases his work and sculpts live at a group show at the Carmel Art Association this October. 82 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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