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Fashion Photographer Reinvents Himself as a Fine Ar tist B Y M I C H A E L C H AT F I E L D C an a successful international fashion pho- tographer make the transition to suc- cessful fine art photographer? That's the chal- lenge Grant Sainsbury has set. "I'm lucky to have had a long, fruitful career," the transplanted Londoner says. "But it's nice to be doing some- thing for myself. It's a long-time dream." Though relatively new to full-time Carmel living, Sainsbury has been visiting the Peninsula regularly most of his life. His mother, formerly of Big Sur's River Inn, was married to the late local jazz ar tist Jackie Coon. "I spent many sum- mers here and in Big Sur," Sainsbury recalls. Though he still travels the world for fashion shoots for publications such as Elle, Harper's and British Vogue, he and his wife Sarah recent- ly settled here permanently. The works on display at the Winfield Gallery are "a form of screen printing. I start with a pho- tograph and break down the pictures into lay- ers," the artist explains. "So it's sort of mixed media." The results are minimalist, Warhol-esque images evoking 1960s and '70s pop art. This series has a "western" theme, a motif that seems to thread throughout Sainsbury's work, both commercial and artistic. An exhibit opening is slated for Saturday, September 3, 5-7 pm at the Winfield Galler y, Dolores between Ocean and 7th. Please visit www.winfieldgaller for details. SHORTCUTS ART Commercial and fashion photographer Grant Sainsbury is training his practiced eye on the world of fine art. He's represented in Carmel by the Winfield Gallery. 86 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Photo: Kelli Uldall