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Carmel Cr yotherapy Business Gets a Bite from "Shar k Tank" B Y B R E T T W I L B U R S ince opening the Central Coast's only cryotherapy spa in 2014 in Carmel, local siblings Skyler Scarlett and Brittney Scarlett- Torres have landed on reality TV and licensed more locations. The cryotherapy process, which has become popular for pain relief—among other things— involves standing in a chamber fed by liquid nitrogen for several minutes, while very dry, sub- zero air circulates, causing a drop in skin surface temperature. After the session, body circulation increases, while potentially, aches and pains diminish and a feeling of euphoria may occur. Carmel Realtor Carol Crandall is a fan, and has done almost 200 sessions, according to Scarlett-Torres, who brought her to demon- strate the process when "Shark Tank" producers picked the siblings to compete on the show. "Shark" Robert Herjavec also was willing to strip down and try out the process during live TV. "When he got out, he said, 'I feel great,'" recalls Scarlett-Torres. "We were lucky to be offered a deal from Barbara Corcoran. For us, it was a dream come true. I was so excited, I accepted her deal before she said the contingency." The contingency was to franchise the business ra- ther than opening a second store in San Francisco. "We have received over 1000 franchise requests," Scarlett-Torres says. "We are in discus- sions with a major fitness company that wants to give us the rights to have one in every gym." Glacé Cryotherapy is located at 3777 The Barnyard Shopping Village in Carmel. 831/293- 8335 or SHORTCUTS BUSINESS Carmel Realtor Carol Crandall with siblings Skyler Scarlett and Brittney Scarlett-Torres of Glacé Cryotherapy on the set of Shark Tank, where they were offered a deal. 92 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Photo: American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.