Carmel Magazine

Carmel Magazine Digital Edition SU16

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Local Couples Run Popular Carmel Businesses B Y B R E T T W I L B U R W hen Canadian transplants Mike and Cathy Hirst asked Cathy's brother Chris Cleary to help build their new Carmel home, Chris flew out from Ottawa. Soon after, he called his wife Janice and informed her he'd found the most beautiful place to live. It wasn't a hard sell. "We were looking for a nice place to raise a family, and it was December in Canada," says Janice. Mike and Cathy had opened Carmel Classics at Laub's Country Store on Ocean Avenue, and when The Treadmill, a popular running store came up for sale, it was a great fit for both couples. "Chris and Mike have a passion for running and outdoor activities," says Janice. "It's now been in business for 33 years." The store is a sponsor of the Big Sur International Marathon, and has held many ben- efits for locals in need. Last year, the group opened Coast Carmel in downtown Carmel. The bright, airy space has an attractive mix of clothing and gifts, like candles and jewelry. Brands like Patagonia, Splendid, Ella Moss, Johnnie O and HippyTree fit the relaxed, California vibe. "We try to keep it at a good price point," Cathy says. Coast Carmel, located on the NW corner of Ocean Avenue and San Carlos Street, downtown Carmel. 831/250-5574. The Treadmill, located at 111 Crossroads Blvd., The Crossroads Shop- ping Center in Carmel. 831/624-4112 or visit SHORTCUTS BUSINESS Mike and Cathy Hirst, with son Dylan and daughter Madison, and Janice and Chris Cleary, with daughters Samantha and Ella, at their downtown store Coast Carmel. 94 C A R M E L M A G A Z I N E • S U M M E R / F A L L 2 0 1 6 Photo: Kelli Uldall

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