Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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Customization is the top preference among consumers when choosing a restaurant today. More than half of all respondents like this as an option, and generally this skews to older restaurant goers, especially Gen-Xers Artisanal bread with local Swiss cheese $7.50 Oven warmed crostini with organic cold-pressed olive oil $6 Bruschetta with Henderson's community farm chickpeas $5.50 I'd like the sandwich but with the farm-raised meat instead... FOODSERVICE OPPORTUNITIES I prefer to choose restaurants… Sourcing information and chances to upgrade menu choices are going to become even more promi- nent in restaurants based on the responses of most youthful consumers. iGens are the most likely overall to prefer restaurants where they learn about the ingredi- ents and where they come from. They're also far more likely than average to share their knowledge of special- ty food ingredients and recommendations for restau- rants they frequent. Younger consumers are even willing to pay more for menu upgrades. Customization is the top preference among consumers when choosing a restaurant today. More than half of all respondents like this as an option, and generally older restaurant goers, especially Gen Xers, skew toward customization. Food delivery companies, such as Blue Apron or Plated, gained some ground with SFCs. In 2016, 10 percent of adults said they used the services, where- as 12 percent say they do in 2018. These services are much more popular with the young (iGens and millen- nials) and affluent ($100K+ annually). Grocerants or prepared foods is another expanding area. "Foodservice within specialty is going to be a key to growth in our industry," says one specialty retailer. A co-owner of an independent natural and special- ty supermarket agrees. "We sell a tremendous amount of prepared foods. People want it grab-and-go, ready-to-cook—marinated meats and things like that. They want more meal [kits], and we're behind the curve on that." . RESTAURANT BEHAVIOR BY GENERATION Specialty food sales in foodservice are poised to flourish. They're already growing faster than retail, and the research shows iGens are big foodservice customers. Here are some things consumers are—or will be—looking for in their foodservice experiences. iGens Millennials Gen Xers Baby Boomers Average Source: Mintel 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% ... that let me customize my order (upgrade, choose a different side, etc.). ... that do a good job of telling me what I want to know about the ingredients. ... that feature local/regional ingredients prominently. ... that give me the option to upgrade my food option. ... that tell me more about key ingredients and sources. AVG: 55% AVG: 36% AVG: 36% AVG: 31% AVG: 31% Answers are edited for length in chart. Source: Mintel RESTAURANT PREFERENCES BY GENERATION 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% iGens Millennials Gen Xers Baby Boomers Average AVG: 32% AVG: 22% AVG: 18% I'm willing to pay more to upgrade some menu options, such as premium or organic meat, wild caught seafood, local/regional ingredient(s), etc. I can readily identify specialty food ingredients at restaurants. I sometimes recommend specialty food ingredients to restaurant staff that would be nice to see on their menus (e.g., a favorite sauce, entree, or dessert). STATE OF THE SPECIALTY FOOD INDUSTRY 2018 S15

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