Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/986636

Contents of this Issue


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category spotlight herbs like moringa and tulsi), medicinal mushrooms, and CBD (cannabidiol) are also making news. Touted for supporting energy and mood and promoting a mind-body connection, these ingredients—along with prebiotics for intestinal health—will become increasingly popular according to SPINS Top 10 Trends Predictions 2018. While kombucha has been the pioneering product in this lifestyle space, the category has branched out to include other functional drinks such as coffee and tea. Protein-infused coffees particularly, according to market research provider, Euromonitor International's "RTD Tea US 2018," are becoming more popular and will provide premiumization to the category. Meinhardt says that the driver, and beauty, of the functional part of the category is that not a lot of explanation is needed before making a purchase. "Consumers will gravitate toward the products that they feel will work specifically for them. A millennial may be inf luenced by social media while a Gen Xer might be seeking a product with a specific health solution—it's a very individual choice." Mollie Bunnell-Jewett, demo coordinator, Woodstock Farmers' Market, Woodstock, Vt., who has seen functional take the lead in growth in RTD, says the biggest consumer of functional teas/coffees are shoppers in their late teens to 20-somethings (millennials and Gen Zers), with CBD tea leading interest. "Kimball Brook Farm Organic CBD Green Tea with Mint is f lying off the shelves," she says. The tea contains 25 mg of cannabidiol (a non-psychoactive oil used for its analgesic and anti- inf lammatory properties that comes from hemp raised in Vermont). FLAVOR AND INGREDIENT TRENDS Look for the following to show up in RTD coffees and teas: • Adaptogens • Alternative sweeteners like monk fruit, stevia, and coconut sugar • CBD (cannabidiol) • Coconut oil • Cold brewed iced teas • Fair trade cocoa • Juiced-up teas • Matcha • Medicinal mushrooms • Nitro brews with spicy or floral flavors • Prebiotics • Sparkling cold brews • Turmeric • Whey, pea, or rice protein • Whiskey, oak, and cardamom flavors 86 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com

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