Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/986636

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S P E C I A L A DV E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N s p e c i a l t y f o o d.c o m/w nw h Booth numbers listed in lower-right-corner of ads in this section are for the Summer Fancy Food Show Booth 2450 Twitter: @AshersChocolate Facebook: Asher's Chocolates salesorders@ashers.com Souderton, PA wholesale.ashers.com 800.223.4420 Snowflake Pretzel Pail Asher's Chocolates Perfect for seasonal snacking, hosting at parties, or gifting, our Snowflake Pretzel Pail satisfies every sweet tooth. Salty snowflake pretzels are coated with just the right amount of white con- fectionary, creating the ideal balance of sweet and salty. gift & holiday Booth 958 Pinterest: WasaUSA Instagram: WasaUSA bakery.sales@barilla.com Northbrook, IL wasa-usa.com 847.405.7500 Wasa Thins Wasa USA Perfect for pairing with premium jams and cheeses, Wasa Thins make a great addition to gift baskets for holiday entertaining. Made with simple, wholesome ingredients, then delicately seasoned and oven-baked to perfection. Wasa - the Simply Satisfying Swedish Crispbread. gift & holiday Booth 1566 sales@conifer-inc.com Woodinville, WA conifer-inc.com 425.486.3334; 800.588.9160 Starbucks® Holiday Hot Cocoa Conifer Specialties Starbucks® Hot Cocoa Holiday Box and 1-oz. Ornaments are the perfect complement to a holiday hot-cocoa merchandising program. Holiday Classic 8-ct box features new package art. Ornaments with ribbon for hang- ing: Double Chocolate & Peppermint flavors. All include To/From for gifts. gift & holiday Booth 4321 Facebook: La Fermière US Instagram: @la_fermiere_us contact@lafermiere.us Jersey City, NJ lafermiere.us 201.347.3170 Valentine's Special Edition Pot La Fermière Red pot for Valentine's day: Because every occasion deserves a proper outfit! Indulge on your favorite cup-set yogurt and share with your loved ones. gift & holiday Both 966 sofi Gold Instagram: Loacker USA Facebook: LoackerUSA New York, NY loackerusa.com 212.742.8510 Loacker Rose of the Dolomites Loacker USA Discover the crown jewel of the choco- latiers' art and be enchanted by the delicate Rose of the Dolomites Pralines! This gem will tempt you with irresistible hazelnut cream, crisply roasted hazel- nut pieces and exquisite chocolate. gift & holiday Booth 3150 Twitter: @BellucciPremium Facebook: @belluccipremium chip@candor-ags.com Fresno, CA belluccipremium.com 480.688.2733 Bellucci Sicilia PGI Organic Bellucci Fresh Traceable Italian EVOO Winner of a Silver Award at the 2018 New York International Olive Oil Competition, Bellucci Sicilia PGI Organic is the newest addition to its Legendary Series. Bellucci is majority owned by a cooperative of growers, guaranteeing premium fresh, fully trace- able 100% Italian EVOO. natural/organic Booth 5010 Twitter: @ChickapeaPasta Facebook: Chickapea Pasta hello@choosechickapea.com Collingwood, ON choosechickapea.com 888.868.9968 Chickapea Mac & Cheese Chickapea Chickapea Pasta, made from only organic chickpeas and lentils, now comes with a clean, organic cheese sauce you and your family will love! 19-g. of protein, 8-g. of fiber and over 30% fewer net carbs per serving than regular mac & cheese. Simple, quick, nutritious and delicious! natural/organic Booth 3808 susie@chilecrunch.com Denver, CO chilecrunch.com 303.868.1153 Chile Crunch Chile Colonial, LLC Crunchy, smoky and infused with just the right amount of heat, Chile Crunch transforms all food into a flavor-packed experience. The perfect partner for everything from meat, chicken, fish and eggs to pizza, pasta, burgers and tacos. natural/organic SUMMER 2018 163

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