Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/986636

Contents of this Issue


Page 62 of 191

Family Owned in America's Heartland since1986 www.frontiersoups.com Family Owned in America's Heartland since1986 Family Owned in America's Heartland since1986 7 natural ingredient s 0 artificial anything 1 hour to prepare 1 satisfying meal! HEARTY MEALS ™ SOUP MIXES ™ Fill Up Your Cup! A Variety of Single Serve Pack Sizes in 12 Delicious Flavors Summer Fancy Food Show Booth 5835 Summer Fancy Food Show Booth 5412 producer profile the desire to make a difference by provid- ing stable employment for the Malagasy people. He teamed up with a like-minded former Peace Corps worker, Brett Beach, to build a chocolate company there, from raw ingredient to finished product. No mat- ter that it was one of the worst off, least developed regions in the world, where the most common form of transportation in the countryside was the oxcart. They knew of just four paved roads in the entire country, only one connecting the north to the south. Whenever weather conditions wiped out a route, goods had to be shipped on barges. "There's an amazing level of dexterity and determination," he says of the country's people. "They're also very peaceful and laid- back, moving at their own pace, which can be one mile an hour. That's how people operate and that's just life." — 2008 Creates a business plan that won a NYU Stern Business School competition and receives $25,000 in seed money. — 2008 Begins selling chocolate bars at stores in Manhattan and Brooklyn. — 2011 Partners with cooperatives of cocoa farmers in Madagascar. — 2014 Hits $3 million in yearly revenue. — 2015 Moves production temporarily to Italy while a new facility in Madagascar is built. — 2018 New factory to be opera- tional by August, allowing Madécasse to double its volume and double the number of farmer-suppliers from 85 to at least 160. HIGHLIGHTS 60 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com

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