Specialty Food Magazine

Summer 2018

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/986636

Contents of this Issue


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sofiawards.com PICKLE, PRESERVED VEGETABLE NEW PRODUCT PROPER'S PICKLE Spicy Pickled Spears properspickle.com GOLD LE BON MAGOT LLC Brinjal Caponata - Purple Aubergine with Cumin & Curry Leaves lebonmagot.com SILVER FOODMATCH, INC. Divina - Mushrooms Marinated with Spicy Ginger Sauce foodmatch.com BRONZE GUSTIAMO, INC. Maida Small Whole Artichokes in Extra Virgin Olive Oil gustiamo.com PASTA SAUCE NEW PRODUCT SAUCES 'N LOVE, INC. Yellow Tomato Purple Basil saucesnlove.com GOLD LA PASTA, INC. Puttanesca Sauce lapastainc.com SILVER FRESCOBENE FOODS Artisan Sausage Ragu frescobene.com BRONZE FISCHER & WIESER SPECIALTY FOODS, INC. Mom's Roasted Pepper Pasta Sauce jelly.com PASTA, RICE, GRAIN NEW PRODUCT MANICARETTI ITALIAN FOOD IMPORTS Rustichella d'Abruzzo Pasta Seminte- grale di Saragolla Organic Rigatoncini manicaretti.com GOLD GEECHIE BOY MILL Guinea Flint Grits geechieboymill.com SILVER ITALIAN PRODUCTS USA Dalla Costa - Penne al Peperoncino Calabro italian-products.com BRONZE SAUCES 'N LOVE, INC. Pumpkin Gnocchi saucesnlove.com SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com I S13

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