Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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S P E C I A L A DV E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N s p e c i a l t y f o o d.c o m/w n w h Booth numbers listed in lower-right-corner of ads in this section are for the Winter Fancy Food Show Booth 4808 Pinterest: aspecialtybox Facebook: aspecialtybox aspecialtybox@calvertco.com aspecialtybox.com 888.408.7269 Coco Satin Hearts & Hat Aspecialtybox.com Chocolate lovers unite with our Coco Satin line of boxes. Accented with a white polka dot bow and available in a lovely hat shape or 8-oz and 1-lb. sized hearts, these classy cases look good enough to eat! what's hot Booth 516 sofi Finalist Facebook: BellwetherFarms Twitter: @bellwetherfarms info@bellwetherfarms.com Petaluma, CA bellwetherfarms.com 707.763.0993 Whole Milk Basket Ricotta Bellwether Farms Bellwether Farms Whole Milk Basket Ricotta is hot! Our ricotta has the most delicate texture because it is drained and sold in its own basket. 100% natural fermentation gives it the most incredible flavor of any ricotta on the market. 2014 sofi Gold winner not to be missed. what's hot Booth 725 Facebook: Blackberry Patch Twitter: @theblackberryp fruittreats@blackberrypatch.com Thomasville, GA blackberrypatch.com 800.853.5598 3 Ingredient Fruit Syrups Blackberry Patch These Premium syrups are made with fruit, pure cane sugar and little else. We simmer the syrups slowly in small, handmade batches. Our delicious, handcrafted premium syrups come in six different varieties. You will love them over breakfast, dessert, or in your favorite recipe. what's hot Booth 4701 sofi Finalist Boat Street Pickles Shirlee@boatstreetpickles.com Seattle, WA BoatStreetPickles.com 206.321.9319 Pickled Cherries Boat Street Pickles, LLC Pickled Cherries - Stop by our booth 4701 to sample our latest Sofi award Finalist. Delicious with grilled duck, rich cheese and charcuterie. Perfect with your favorite cheese cake, vanilla ice cream or yogurt. Pickled Figs, French Plums, Apricots and Pickled Raisins. what's hot Booth 2736 Twitter: @BrioIceCream Facebook: BrioIceCream info@brioicecream.com Montpelier, VT brioicecream.com 802.229.1292 Brio Ice Cream Brio Ice Cream (Nutricopia, Inc.) With richly delicious Brio ice cream, your taste buds will say "Wow!" and your body will say "Thank You." Certified gluten-free, r-BST-free and non-GMO, Brio is the only ice cream offering Omega 3-6-9s, antioxidant richness, 6-g protein and all essential micronutrients. what's hot Booth 5616 Gianna@coldice.com Oakland, CA coldice.com 800.525.4GEL (4435) Cold Chain Products Cold Ice, Inc. For 34 years, Cold Ice has remained on the cutting edge in Cold Chain Products and Services. Cold Ice offers the latest technology in Gel Refrigerants, Insulated Containers, Temperature Indicators, and much, much more. Gel will not leak if the wrapper is punctured or torn. what's hot Blog:enjoybettercoffee.wordpress.com Facebook: enjoybettercoffee sales@enjoybettercoffee.com Worthington, OH EnjoyBetterCoffee.com 800.582.6617 Douwe Egberts Instant Coffee Enjoy Better Coffee, Inc Over 250 years of expertise have gone into creating these luxurious instant coffees. The finest beans are roasted and freeze-dried to create a rich aroma and flavor suitable for drinking any time of the day. Douwe Egberts' finest instant coffee now avail- able on the USA market! what's hot Facebook: Dufeck Wood info@dufeckwood.com Denmark, WI dufeckwood.com 888.603.WOOD Your Ideas - Your Way Dufeck Wood Products Your Ideas, Our Expertise. Your Product, Our Packaging. Your Logo- 3 unique options. Your Vision, Our Execution. Your success is our business! Stock items, Custom designs. We are "Quality In Wood" & Made in the USA. what's hot WINTER 2016 141

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