Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/623506

Contents of this Issue


Page 93 of 151

www.zocalogourmet.com Kañiwa... Gluten Free Naturally is an ancient grain, higher in protein than quinoa, with an earthy taste and rich color ANDEAN HERITAGE GRAINS & FLOURS Winter Fancy Food Show Booth 3509 Winter Fancy Food Show Booth 2605 On the East Coast, online retailer FreshDirect has seen year- over-year growth. "Our cold-brew coffee section has grown 100 percent-plus in sales year-over-year, with local brands like Wandering Bear and Grady's leading the category," says Marissa Dobbins, dairy category merchant. Dobbins says the category is trending toward bolder, smoother brews as well as infusions with other product cat- egories—like ice cream and chocolate—to drive brand awareness. Mintel's research indicates consumer curiosity about trying a new style of coffee is driving current demand. "However, this may foretell future challenges for the beverage," Sisel says. "When a newer coffee brewing method begins to trend, it may easily over- shadow cold brew's current popularity." Nitro Brew. When nitrogen is added to a keg with coffee—often cold brewed—it yields a foamy, cold, uber-caffeinated beverage known as nitro brew—or, coffee on tap. Taken straight up, with ice or milk of choice, sweetened or not, nitro brew is trending at cafes nationwide with a premium price attached. Some brewers like Stumptown are even canning for home convenience—the company's Instant coffee in liquid form, from Barnie's Coffee Kitchen. WINTER 2016 91

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