Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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Big Picture Farm Raspberry Rhubarb Goat Milk Caramels. The winner of the Specialty Food Association's 2015 Outstanding New Product sofi Award, these caramels are made from fresh goat's milk from Big Picture Farm's 46 goats. Rhubarb wine and raspberry puree, along with goat butter and Vermont cream, create a distinct flavor profile. bigpicturefarm.com COOP's MicroCreamery Salted Caramel Sauce. To prepare this 2015 sofi Award winner for Outstanding Dessert Sauce, Topping, or Syrup, COOP's MicoCreamery collaborated with McCrea's Candies, a Boston caramel maker. The sauce comes in three- or 10.6-ounce jars topped with Coop's "drippy lid" and labels bearing the handwritten initials of the person who whipped up that batch. coopsmicrocreamery.com Fat Toad Farm Cold Brew Coffee Caramel. This sauce stars cold-brew Stumptown Coffee Roasters coffee, steeped for 12 hours and filtered twice. The hand-stirred goat's milk base is made with milk from Fat Toad Farm's herd. Other flavors: Spicy Dark Chocolate (made with Taza chocolate) and Vermont Maple (made with Vermont Cold Hollow Cider Mill syrup). fattoadfarm.com Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey Fudge Caramel. Great Scot International introduces a caramel with a pedigree. The confection showcases Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey, whose distillery was founded in 1866, making it the oldest registered distillery in the U.S. and on the National Register of Historic Places. Other flavors: Tennessee Honey Fudge Caramels, made with Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey Liqueur. greatscotintl.com L'Epicurien Salted Butter Caramel (Caramel au Beurre Sale). Salt meets caramel in this milky spread, produced in France and imported to the U.S. by The French Farm. Ideal for putting on pancakes, crepes, and toast, or drizzled over ice cream, the sweet treat comes in a 7.55-ounce glass jar with a metal top. epicurien.com and thefrenchfarm.com Marich Confectionery Milk and Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel Popcorns. To make these new confections, chocolatier Marich Confectionery caramelizes popcorn and then coats it in sea-salted chocolate. Both popcorns in the line currently are available in single-serve bags; in 2016, the Milk Chocolate variety will also be available in 4.75-ounce sharable pouches. marich.com 102 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com

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