Specialty Food Magazine


Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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Contents of this Issue


Page 58 of 151

RUMI SPICE A r tisanal Afghan Saffron info@rumispice.com | Cultivating Peace | www.rumispice.com cheese focus River's Edge Chevre Up In Smoke (OR): A fresh, rindless smoked disk wrapped in smoked maple leaves spritzed with bourbon. "Now that's a unique cheese, and I think it's delightful," says McCalman. MIXED-MILK CHEESES Carr Valley Mobay (WI): Layers of sheep's milk curd and goat's milk curd are separated by a ribbon of grapevine ash. LaClare Farms Chandoka (WI): A block Cheddar made with a blend of cow's and goat's milk and cultures selected to give it a fruity rather than an acidic finish. Lazy Lady Farm (VT): Cheesemaker Laini Fondilier is a relentless inventor, says Roberts, a fan. Her Moondance, a 1¼-pound cow's milk, is washed with coffee bean-infused vodka. Fondilier is also the fearless creator of Barick Obama and Tomme Delay cheeses. Nettle Meadow Three Sisters (NY): A firm four- to six- ounce bloomy-rind cheese from mixed cow's, goat's, and sheep's milk. Rogue Creamery Echo Mountain Blue (OR): A rindless five-pound wheel made from a blend of raw cow's and goat's milk. Tomales Farmstead Teleeka (CA): A six-ounce bloomy- rind square from three milks, it has aromas of fresh mushrooms and sour cream. @ To learn more about the U.S.'s homegrown cheeses, check out "American Originals" at specialtyfood. com/news/article/american-originals/ Janet Fletcher writes the email newsletter "Planet Cheese" and is the author of Cheese & Wine and Cheese & Beer. Winter Fancy Food Show Booth 5704 56 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com

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