Specialty Food Magazine

JUL-AUG 2012

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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Page 146 of 207

PRODUCT ROUNDUP The Girl and the Fig Apricot Fig Chutney. The Figfood product line from The Girl and the Fig is an extension of Sondra Bernstein's Estate restaurants in Sonoma, Calif., and The Fig Café & Winebar in nearby Glen Ellen. Apricot Fig Chutney, one of the best sellers in the line, combines plump apricots, Calimyrna figs, and a hint of ginger and dried cherries. Try glazing grilled pork chops with this delicious chutney and serving with seasonal vegetables and mashed potatoes. Other fig-flavored products include Apple Fig Mostarda, Fig and Port Vinaigrette and Dried Fig Compote. thegirlandthefig.com Lucero Olive Oil Fig Balsamic Vinegar. Lucero's Fig Balsamic has a New World style with Old World roots in Modena, Italy. Handcrafted with all-natural ingredients, Lucero describes its Fig Balsamic as "sultry and rich with intense berry notes." With a smooth nutty flavor, this balsamic might just convert those who are not typically fig lovers. Best used as a finishing touch to a cheese plate of Gouda and aged cheddar or as a hint of flavor to dress salads. lucerooliveoil.com Summer Fancy Food Show Booth 3915 6XPPHU %RRWK 6KLS \RXU LWHPV LQ With a smooth nutty flavor, Lucero's Fig Balsamic 3URWHFWLYH 3DSHU 3DFNDJLQJ might just convert those who are not typically fig lovers. Ȋ7KH PDMRULW\ RI RXU SURGXFWV DUH LQ JODVV MDUV RU ERWWOHV VR SURWHFWLRQ ZDV WKH PDMRU FRQFHUQ GXULQJ VKLSSLQJ RXU JRRGV WR RXU :LOGWUHH UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV SDUW\ KRVWV DQG FXVWRPHUV *UHHQ:UDS ZDV SHUIHFW WR VROYH WKLV SUREOHP :H FRQWLQXH WR XVH *UHHQ:UDS EHFDXVH LW DOZD\V GRHV D JUHDW MRE SURWHFWLQJ RXU SURGXFWV ȋ )UDQN 0RQWLH :LOGWUHH MarXana Brand Foods Mission Fig Port Wine Culinary Sauce. Mission Fig Port Wine is one of six flavors in MarXana Brand Foods' Pomegranate Splash line of culinary sauces. Each bottle contains 50 or more pome- granates with mission figs, reduced to a thick sauce. The delicious, antioxidant-rich concoction is free of gluten, fat, sodium and soy. Try a splash on oatmeal, yogurt, ice cream or berries or in salad dressings, sauces or martinis. Other Pomegranate Splash flavors include: Black Currant Cabernet, Blueberry Merlot Wine, Port Wine, Tart Cherry Syrah and Shiro Plum Sake. marxanabrandfoods.com Migliore Gourmet Foods Jalapeño Fig Jam. In addition to an extensive line of seasoning blends, Migliore Gourmet Foods now offers Jalapeño Fig Jam. A delicious combination of all-natural figs, jalapeños and Summer Fancy Food Show Booth 4704 124 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE ❘ specialtyfood.com

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