Specialty Food Magazine

JUL-AUG 2012

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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suppliers and American importers. NASFT continues to participate as an exhibitor at Anuga, and also at SIAL Paris, FoodEx in Japan, the International Home & Housewares Show in Chicago and other events. The NASFT has embraced myriad member services throughout its history, including the publishing of a mail-order catalog, the production of Member Education Conferences, a Product Evaluation program and, currently, a shipping program in partnership with Federal Express. New member services are always on the horizon. The People of the NASFT It quickly became apparent to the inaugural Board that they needed assistance handling the work of this new trade association. At the October 1952 meeting, the Board approved hiring a secretary to manage newsletters, membership rolls, meeting DQQRXQFHPHQWV DQG RWKHU GXWLHV EXGJHWLQJ SHU DQQXP IRU WKH ÀUVW SDLG 1$6)7 VWDII ,Q Executive Secretary Edward Sajous reported "one of the most important steps taken during the past \HDU LV WKH VHWWLQJ XS IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH RI DQ 1$6)7 RIÀFH µ ,Q SHUPLVVLRQ ZDV JLYHQ WR SXUFKDVH D PLPHRJUDSK PDFKLQH IRU WKH RIÀFH FRVW QRW WR exceed $150. $V WKH DVVRFLDWLRQ JUHZ VR GLG LWV RIÀFH DQG VWDIÀQJ QHHGV $V UHFHQWO\ DV VWDII RI MXVW ÀYH DQG ZDV KRXVHG DW South in New York City. Since then, the Association has been located at 8 West 40th Street, 120 Wall Street and its present address, 136 Madison Avenue. Staff needs changed dramatically in 1996, when the Association took over the management of the Fancy Food Show from its longtime partner, Reed Exhibition Companies. Under the leadership of President John Roberts, staff soared to 21, including many still with the association. Today the NASFT has 50 employees and is led by President Ann Daw. What began as a volunteer effort by a group of stakeholders has grown into a professionally staffed trade association. The headquarters has a fully equipped demonstration kitchen where members can showcase their products as well as meeting rooms that are available to members. The Next 60 Years :KDW OLHV DKHDG IRU WKH 1$6)7" $V ZH UHÁHFW RQ KRZ we've grown, we look forward to the next 60 years. The specialty food industry will thrive as consumers throughout the U.S. and the world continue to demand quality and variety in the foods they eat. Just as in the past, NASFT programs and services will continue to evolve to meet the needs of the specialty food trade. 1$6)7 KDG D 3DUN $YHQXH Polly Adema is a New York-based food historian, culinary anthropologist and researcher. She teaches courses on gastronomy, food, culture and American history. Polly holds a Ph.D. in food history from the University of Texas, Austin. A VISUAL FEAST A Special Exhibit Celebrating 60 Years of NASFT History Experience how specialty food products and pioneers have changed the culinary landscape. Visit the exhibit at the Summer Fancy Food Show or specialtyfood.com/avisualfeast 8

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