Specialty Food Magazine

JUL-AUG 2012

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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Post, O, The Oprah Magazine and In Style, among others. In 2011, more than 100 million consumer impressions were recorded for the association and its brands. NASFT even hosts a consumer website, www.foodspring.com, the "gateway to food adventure." The Go-To Source "Tow-fu" (pro- nounced tofu) was a relative newcomer to American tables when it was featured in 1979 NASFT is the go-to source for the specialty food industry. Long before today's Specialty Food Magazine, information-loaded publications were sent to members and others in the trade. As early as 1954, NASFT produced a monthly newsletter for members. Among the À UVW LQIRUPDWLRQ sources was NASFT Newsreel, which presented analysis of relevant trade law and other time- sensitive, industry- VSHFLÀ F QHZV In the late 1950s, there was an occasional publication called Fact Sheets, which presented brief facts about new and favorite specialty foods. Originally intended for retail members, it quickly became a useful tool for food editors. Specialty Storemanship appeared in the early 1960s. In addition to how-to merchandising tips and ideas, this quarterly bulletin often contained the much sought after fact sheet. The Buyers' Blue Sheet appeared in 1963. It was distributed to store buyers, newspaper editors and food editors—that is, to the people ZKR GLUHFWO\ LQÁ XHQFH FRQVXPHU food purchasing. This newsletter, mimeographed on eye-catching blue paper, served to promote new and not-so-new products in between Fancy Food Shows. Along with very brief product descriptions, Buyers' Blue Sheet contained black-and-white photographs of select products or noteworthy packaging. Through Buyers' Blue Sheet we can trace developments within the LQGXVWU\ ,Q 'HFHPEHU WKH Blue Sheet declared "Tea is in!", noting that imports had increased WR PLOOLRQ SRXQGV IURP 100.2 million pounds in 1950. The editors were spot-on in identifying WUHQGV ,Q WKH V Buyers' Blue Sheet predicted ongoing interest in the "natural" foods category, noting that several producers were expanding their natural food lines, including Illinois-based Elam Mills Elam's Peanut Butter, made with defatted wheat germ $PHULFDQ 5RODQG )RRG Corp.'s imported canned "Tow-fu" SURQRXQFHG WRIX ZDV D UHODWLYH newcomer to American tables ZKHQ LW ZDV IHDWXUHG LQ EXW Buyers' Blue Sheet smartly noted the increasing popularity of this "convenient protein food with a long shelf life." Members in the 1960s DQG V DOVR EHQHÀ WHG IURP Legislative Digest, which reported on pertinent national and state legislation. The delisting by the FDA, for example, of F.D. & 5HG LQ UHFHLYHG considerable column inches. The names may change but the consistency with which NASFT has and continues to SXEOLVK LQGXVWU\ VSHFLÀ F UHVRXUFHV demonstrates a commitment to 1970| The NASFT has consistently published newsletters and magazines to inform retailers about specialty foods.

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