Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 16 of 115

bulk ingredient manufacturing manufacturing y The Highest Quality ANCIENT OCEAN ® % U /. 6 A / 7 )2 5 (9 (5 < A 33 / , & A 7, 21 • 5 (7 A, / & 3 5, 9A 7( /A %( / 3 A&. A* ,1 * 7 * 5 A ,1 6 , = (6 A 9 A ,/ A % / ( • &H U1 . 6 • 6A/7 %/2& .6 • %5, &.6 • 3 /A7(6 & 3 /A77(56 To learn more about our gourmet salts, scan this code or visit www.seasalt.com. Organic Compliant Optically Clean® Kosher Certified Mineral Salt All Natural

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