Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 97 of 115

NON-FOOD SPECIALTY ITEM ➊ ECOTENSIL, INC. EcoTaster Mini PEGGY CROSS' STORY OF LAUNCHING ECOTENSIL, her earth-friendly utensil company, is an inspiring reminder of why moms rule the world. While traveling with her hungry kids, "I pulled out the yogurt and realized, I forgot to pack spoons!" she recalls. "I thought, I can come up with a solution for this." By the time they arrived at their destination, Spoonlidz—a sustainable overlid made of paperboard that converts to a spoon in one fold—was on its way to becoming a fully realized concept, which she soon patented and is about to launch. But the first product Cross took to market was the EcoTaster. The mini tasting utensil, composed of the same silky-smooth paperboard used in the Spoonlidz product, maintains food texture in the same way paper cups do. What makes the EcoTaster stand out, however, is that it's certified compostable, meaning it breaks down in 180 days in a landfill. Using EcoTasters makes both vendors and consumers happy, Cross says. "People feel icky about plastic tasters that are used for a second and then live on the planet for a thousand years. They know paper will be gone in days," she explains. "Over a thousand manufacturers are using EcoTasters now, so we have prevented tens of millions of utensils from ending up in the landfill in three years." Wholesale price: $16.99/1,000 (min. 5 cases). Contact: Peggy Cross, EcoTensil, Inc.; 415.924.0233; peggy@ecotensil.com; ecotensil.com.—C.C. ➊ PAPERCHEF, INC. PaperChef Culinary Parchment Pre-Cut Sheets Contact: Eva Payne 416.757.6768 eva@paperchef.com paperchef.com SEPTEMBER 2013 S39

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