Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


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S P E C I A L A DV E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N what's new s p e c i a l t y f o o d . co m /w nw h what's new Sweet & Spicy Chocolate Bars St. Lucifer Spice Two Snooty Chefs Our Gourmet Spice Blends add extraordinary tastes to our luscious "melt in the mouth" chocolate bars. These 5 new artisan creations are ARTfully blended. Try our Mocha Mole' milk or dark chocolate, Spicy Sedona milk or dark chocolate and our Oo-LaLa white chocolate bars. 360.871.1511 twosnootychefs.com Port Orchard, WA contact@twosnootychefs.com Facebook: Two Snooty Chefs what's new what's new Sculpted Chocolate Landmarks Tia's Bakery Gluten Free Few things tempt the palate like the thrill of heat. Just a touch can turn even the simplest morsel into a decadent and merciless delight. Such is the promise of St. Lucifer Spice--a masterful blend of garlic, salt, vinegar and habaneros that unleash the pleasures of any food. Strawberry Hill Grand Delights Tia's Bakery makes great tasting gourmet desserts with healthy, nutritious ingredients. Our cookies, cakes and quick breads are gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut-free and kosher. 215.806.1805 saintluciferspice.com Philadelphia, PA info@saintluciferspice.com FB: St. Lucifer Spice Company Twitter: @StLuciferSpice New Member 617.319.3557 StrawberryHillCandy.com Everett, MA sales@strawberryhillcandy.com Twitter: @boston_candy Facebook: Strawberry Hill Candy New Member St. Lucifer Foods Co. what's new Exclusive gourmet creations capture the beauty of America's landmarks in fine chocolate. Exquisitely detailed and highlighted to resemble bronze sculptures, these edible works of art are a unique addition to high-end retailers looking to offer their customers luxurious products. what's new Introducing Quinoa Chips White Fig Spread The Chef's Collection Our new Quinoa Chips will be available in 4 great flavors: Sea Salt, Cheddar, Barbeque and Sour Cream & Onion. Our bite-sized snacks are gluten-free certified, have no preservatives, contain nothing artificial, are Non-GMO and are Simply Delicious! The white fig, while lesser known, is adored by chefs for its sweet, rich and nutty flavor. In addition to being the perfect complement to your cheese board, we love it equally as a breakfast spread for croissants, scones or crepes. These 12 tube premium sampling selections of gourmet sea salts or spices are attractively displayed in a wooden base crafted from sustainable bamboo. Choose Salts of the World, the Ultimate Gourmet Salt Sampler or Spice Sampler #1. Collections of 4, 6 or 11 tubes also available. 877.682.2359 simply7snacks.com Houston, TX sales@simply7snacks.com Facebook: Simply7 Twitter: @simply7snacks 888.326.5678 stonewallkitchen.com York, ME wholesale@stonewallkitchen.com Facebook: Stonewall Kitchen Twitter: @StonewalKitchen 954.275.4478 thespicelab.com Pompano Beach, FL sales@thespicelab.com Facebook: The Spice Lab Inc Twitter: @TheSpiceLab Simply 7 Snacks what's new Stonewall Kitchen The Spice Lab Tia's Bakery 877.569.5888 TiasBakery.com El Segundo, CA info@tiasbakery.com New Member gift & holiday Char Crust® Holiday Best Seller Char Crust, Inc. Char Crust® Seals in the Juices®. Don't forget to offer your customers the best-selling rubs for the holidays: Original Hickory Grilled; Roasted Garlic Peppercorn and Roto Roast. Ask about our Holiday Shipper, PPK 48/4oz, with recipe tearpad. Buy direct or through distributors. 800.311.9884 CharCrust.com Chicago, IL seriksen@charcrust.com Twitter: @CharCrust Facebook: Char Crust SEPTEMBER 2013 107

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