Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 70 of 115

CHEESE OR DAIRY PRODUCT TIE CAVES OF FARIBAULT Jeffs' Select TEN YEARS AGO AT A WINTER FANCY FOOD SHOW, cheesemakers Jeff Jirkin and Jeff Wideman struck up a conversation. Jirkin was the lead cheesemaker and affineur for Natural Cheese for Swiss Valley Farms, the parent company of Caves of Faribault in Minnesota, and Wideman was the master cheesemaker behind Wisconsin's Maple Leaf Cheese. "Thus began one of the best friendships I've ever had in my life," Jirkin recalls. After experimenting with a few products together, they knew they'd found something special in a Gouda-style cheese that would become Jeffs' Select. "To bring out a caramel flavor is very rare in this cheese," Jirkin says. "There's a hint of nuttiness to it, and it just dissolves in your mouth. We tried to see how complicated and complex we could get the flavor, and we absolutely nailed it." Jeffs' Select was never meant to go public. But, by chance, a few distributors got their hands on it and declared the product had a wider market. The aged cheese now sells in more than a dozen states. Wideman and his team make the cheese, which Jerkin then buys and ages for a year in his warm, humid caves. A finishing annatto spice rub is applied after aging to protect and preserve its full-bodied flavor. "It's a culmination of many years of friendship," Jerkin says. Suggested retail price: $18/pound (11-pound wheel). Contact: Lauren Van Speybroeck, Caves of Faribault, 563.468.6641; lauren.vanspeybroeck@swissvalley.com; cavesoffaribault.com.—S.N. ➊ S12 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com ➋ ➌

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