Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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Page 72 of 115

CONDIMENT ➊ ➋ ➌ THE VIRGINIA CHUTNEY COMPANY Spicy Plum Chutney CHUTNEYS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR YEARS, but the Turner family claims they've created a version all their own. The inspiration for the product began in the Caribbean, where Clare and Nevill Turner met, raised sons Oliver and Christopher, and made pineapple and mango chutneys. When the family moved to the U.S., Clare Turner wondered why American retailers were importing English and Indian chutneys when the condiment contained such simple ingredients and the American South had a strong tradition of making the savory, sometimes spicy, jams. That's when she and her family decided to give chutney-making a go, explains Oliver Turner, sales director for the Washington, Va., company. And it's been a success. The best seller is the sofi Winner, spicy plum chutney, which is made with all-natural ingredients, contains no thickeners and is packed with fresh ginger. "It's a perfect balance between sweet and savory," Turner says. "It goes well with grilled cheese or pork chops." The chutney also pairs well with Gouda, manchego and gorgonzola cheeses, and can be used with crostini, quesadillas, sandwiches and more. Suggested retail price: $6.99–7.99/10 ounces. Contact: Oliver Turner, The Virginia Chutney Company; 540.675.1984; oliver@ virginiachutney.com; virginiachutney.com.—E.C. ➊ BOAT STREET PICKLES Pickled Apricots Contact: Shirlee J. Erickson 206.321.9319 shirlee@boatstreetpickles.com boatstreetpickles.com ➋ GOLD MINE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Organic Kimchi Contact: David Kirchner 858.537.9830 david@goldminenatural foods.com goldminenaturalfoods.com S14 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com ➌ ITALIAN HARVEST, INC. Dinamite Hot Pepper Tapenade Contact: Victoria Doggett 866.408.4457; 415.793.3876 victoriad@italianharvest.com italianharvest.com ➍ SAUCES 'N LOVE, INC. Parsley Chimichurri Contact: Paolo Volpati-Kedra 781.595.7771, ext. 11 paolo@saucesnlove.com saucesnlove.com ➍ ➎ ➎ TRAINA FOODS California Sun Dried Tomato Ketchup Contact: Joe Hollowell 209.892.5472; 209.892.8846 joeh@traina.com trainafoods.com

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