Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


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CONFECTION ➊ ➋ ➌ THE STICKY TOFFEE PUDDING COMPANY Chocolate Tiffin with Biscuits, Roasted Almonds & Cherries WHILE SHE IS KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE SPECIALTY FOOD WORLD for her famous sticky toffee puddings, Tracy Claros has recently expanded her line of sweet treats with a collection of sticky bars including a tiffin, the name of which comes from an old British expression for a lunch or snack. Claros thought about the new products for at least a year and had been working on them 18 months prior to launch. "Each one is a traditional British tray-bake bar, but I wanted to give it an updated twist," she says. Claros' version is designed to be crunchy and chewy with a blend of crackers, roasted almonds and chewy cherries and raisins. The bar's cherries come from Washington, and roasted California almonds are used to achieve a deep flavor. "The concept of the bars is for them to be the thing that you are craving. Sweet and salty, crunchy and chewy," she says. She recommends enjoying the tiffin chilled and cut into small slivers, and her hope is that consumers enjoy a small serving of the confection without feeling too guilty. The Sticky Toffee Pudding Company will also release a toffee flapjack with sesame brittle and millionaire shortbread with smoked hickory sea salt as part of its upcoming line of bar desserts. Suggested retail price: $3.49/2 ounces. Contact: Tracy Claros, The Sticky Toffee Pudding Company; 512.472.0039; tracyclaros@stickytoffeepuddingcompany.com; stickytoffeepuddingcompany.com.—E.C. ➊ MAPLE RESERVE CO. Tonewood Maple Wafers Contact: Dori Ross 802.496.6886; 802.496.5512 doriross@tonewoodmaple .com; dorihross@gmail.com tonewoodmaple.com ➋ SERENDIPITY CONFECTIONS Sea Salt Caramels Contact: Rebecca Cassity 720.204.0585 rebecca@serendipity confections.com serendipityconfections.com ➌ TORIE & HOWARD Pink Grapefruit & Tupelo Honey—2 oz. Tin Contact: Torie Burke 860.799.7772 torieb@torieandhoward.com torieandhoward.com SEPTEMBER 2013 S17

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