Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


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S P E C I A L A DV E R T I S I N G S E C T I O N what's new s p e c i a l t y f o o d . co m /w nw h what's new what's new Harvest Song Preserves Creamy Parmesan Vodka Early American Tea Crafted From Sun Drenched Fruits. The choice of cheese mongers, consumers and chefs. Product of Armenia. Fresh cream from local dairy Snowville Creamery dances with grated Parmesan cheese and locally-distilled vodka in the newest addition to the Vino de Milo pasta sauce line-up. Also new: Spicy Roasted Garlic Cream. Now with 9 varieties, still handmade in small batches in the USA. Tea is imported from the same tea gardens that supplied the British East India Company for an authentic early American tea experience. Ten historical tea blends include Colonial Bohea tea and Young Hyson, packaged in tea tins or 1-oz packages. Private label is available. 516.773.7356 harvestsongventures.com Armenia sales@harvestsongventures.com 740.589.6456 VinoDeMilo.com Athens, OH sales@vinodemilo.com Facebook: Vino De Milo 843.540.4916 oliverpluff.com Charleston, SC info@oliverpluff.com Harvest Song Vino de Milo Oliver Pluff & Company . New Member what's new Jesben® Slow Cooker Sauces Jesben® Slow Cooker Sauce Company Developed by a busy mom for busy moms, Jesben® makes only slow cooker sauces, nothing else, with the goal of making great tasting slow cooked meals. We select the finest ingredients and slow simmer our sauces to perfection. With Jesben just add meat. All natural & gluten-free. 855.JESBEN (855.453.7236) jesben.com Pittsburgh, PA info@jesben.com Twitter: @SlowCookerSauce Facebook: Jesben Slow Cooker Sauce New Member 106 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE what's new what's new Silere Alpine Origin Merino 100% Quinoa Pasta New Zealand Grass-Fed Meats 3 new Gluten-Free, 100% Quinoa Pastas in great shapes: Curvo Rigatto, Fusilli & Spaghetti; all high in protein & fiber, 6 minute cook time, OU Kosher, 100% Natural like all our other delicious products including our Quinoa, Basmati Rice, Traditional & Israeli Pearl Couscous mixes. Silere Alpine Origin Merino lamb is from New Zealand high country. Merino is a breed known for its impeccable eating qualities; it is a sensation on fine dining menus in New Zealand and it will be the new gold standard for lamb here in the US. 800.459.7349 NewZealMeats.com Seattle, WA info@newzealmeats.com Facebook: NZGrassFed Twitter: @NZGrassFed New Member specialtyfood.com Pereg Gourmet 718.261.6767 pereg-gourmet.com Clifton, NJ info@pereg-gourmet.com Facebook: Peregourmet what's new Dark Chocolate Salty Caramel Phin & Phebes The mysteries of the Universe unravel with every bit of this dark chocolate ice cream sprinkled with salty caramel to form an outrageously rich and delicious treat. 718.383.4300 phinandphebes.com Brooklyn, NY crista@phinandphebes.com Facebook: Phin and Phebes Twitter: @phinandphebes what's new Liquid O.M.G! Chocolate Elixirs Race City Sauce Works Not just a name, but a natural reaction to the rich yet delicate flavors in each of our Liquid OMG Elixirs. The Salted Caramel White Chocolate with hints of banana & black walnuts or creamy Toasted Marshmallow Dark Chocolate, make excellent additions from mixed drinks to desserts! 704.999.7197 racecitysauceworks.com Charlotte, NC info@racecitysauceworks.com

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