Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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COLD BEVERAGE TIE BRANDS OF BRITAIN Fever-Tree Premium Sparkling Lemon WITH THE 2013 SOFI AWARD, Fever-Tree has a championship record not even Michael Jordan's Bulls or Derek Jeter's Yankees can claim: four titles in a row. The streak started at the 2010 sofi Awards, when Fever-Tree's Ginger Beer took home bragging rights. The premium mixer company followed that win with Ginger Ale in 2011 and Mediterranean Tonic in 2012. This year's winner, which account manager Marie Christoffersen describes as "our take on carbonated lemonade," features the Champagne-style bubbles on which Fever-Tree has built its brand. But what sets it apart is the unusual method employed in juicing the Sicilian lemons used for flavoring. Primarily used by the perfume industry, the practice of sfumatrice extracts the oil from the lemon peels by hand, which Christoffersen credits for imparting "that fragrant flavor and aroma." Founded in 2004 by Charles Rolls, the former managing director of Plymouth Gin, and Tim Warrillow, whose background is in luxury food marketing, Fever-Tree was launched to fulfill the idea that the best spirits deserve the best mixers. While Sparkling Lemon is refreshing on its own, it was created to complement both white spirits and darker ones. Suggested retail price: $5.99/6.8fluid-ounce 4-pack. Contact: Marie Christoffersen, Brands of Britain; 925.806.9400; marie@ brandsofbritain.com; brandsofbritain.com.—C.C. ➊ S34 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com

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