Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

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DESSERT OR DESSERT TOPPING ➊ ➋ ➌ McCONNELL'S FINE ICE CREAMS Double Peanut Butter Chip ➍ ➎ ➊ GELATERIA NAIA Bar Gelato Recchiuti Burnt Caramel Bar Contact: Trevor Morris 510.724.2479 trevor@gelaterianaia.com; mail@gelaterianaia.com gelaterianaia.com McCONNELL'S FINE ICE CREAMS SETS OUT TO PRODUCE HIGH-QUALITY, indulgent ice cream, and one taste of the Double Peanut Butter Chip proves their success. Rather than batch-freezing the ice cream, which adds air, McConnell's uses the hybrid French pot method invented by founder Gordon "Mac" McConnell in the 1940s. Using this method, Central Coast grass-fed milk is slowly stirred to create a smooth, dense ice cream with high butterfat content and no added air. The winning flavor itself had just as much care. "We wanted to do a peanut butter ice cream that was uniquely McConnell's," says Michael Palmer, the third generation of family to run the almost 70-year-old iconic company. Melted Guittard bittersweet chocolate and house-made creamy, salty peanut butter are added to a semi-frozen sweet cream peanut butter base to maintain a creamy texture and even blend of ingredients. "We wanted the flavor to speak for the delicacy that is McConnell's and not be too overwhelming." McConnell's versatile line of ice cream flavors includes takes on such classics as vanilla bean and mint chip, as well as intriguing combinations like dark chocolate paso brittle and Turkish coffee. Suggested retail price: $6.99/16 ounces. Contact: Lily Moffett, McConnell's Fine Ice Creams; 805.963.8813; lmoffett@mcconnells.com; mcconnells.com.—S.N. ➋ KAKAO BERLIN/ PROGOURMET FOODS Kakao Berlin Dark Micro Chips Contact: Cindy Sheehan 360.769.7420 c.sheehan@live.com kakaoberlinchocolate.com; progourmetfoods.com ➌ K.L. KELLER IMPORTS Basque Black Cherry Topping Contact: Kitty L. Keller 510.839.7890; 510.740.2030 klkeller@ix.netcom.com; kitty@klkeller.com klkellerimports.com ➍ ROYAL PACIFIC FOODS The Ginger People Organic Ginger Syrup Contact: Yanne Clerc 831.582.2494 yclerc@gingerpeople.com gingerpeople.com ➎ THREE TWINS ICE CREAM Dad's Cardamom Contact: Rich Bertrand 707.763.8946 rich@threetwinsicecream.com threetwinsicecream.com SEPTEMBER 2013 S15

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