Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 86 of 115

PASTA SAUCE ➊ ➋ RITROVO ITALIAN REGIONAL FOODS Ritrovo Selections Casina Rossa Due Formaggi RITROVO ITALIAN REGIONAL FOODS HAS WON ITS FOURTH SOFI in the pasta sauce category with its new Casina Rossa Due Formaggi. The Due Formaggi has been called a meal in a jar. It's an expert blend of tomatoes, Italian sheep and cow ricotta, and pecorino cheese. It can be eaten over grilled vegetables, fresh pasta, polenta, chicken breasts, roasted fish and more. "It's a very popular sauce," says Ritrovo owner Ilyse Rathet. "It's because it's complete—you don't have to add anything else. It's rich enough that you don't have to add meat." "When we first tasted it in Italy, the taste of the pecorino really stood out," Rathet says. "This was an easy one. As soon as we tasted that, we knew it would be a hit." Casina Rossa has been a partner of Ritrovo since the company started in 1999, and also produces last year's sofi winner Puttanesca Pasta Sauce. In addition to Ritrovo's partnerships with small-scale, organic farms and producers throughout Italy, the company also plans to collaborate with producers stateside. "We always have inspiration around us for new products," Rathet says. Suggested retail price: $7.95/17.6 ounces. Contact: Ilyse Rathet, Ritrovo Italian Regional Foods; 206.985.1635; ritrovo@aol.com; ritrovo.com.—E.C. ➊ LA PASTA, INC. Eggplant Sauce Contact: Alexis Konownitzine 301.588.1111 alexis@lapastainc.com lapastainc.com S28 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com ➋ LA PASTA, INC. Pink Vodka Sauce Contact: Alexis Konownitzine 301.588.1111 alexis@lapastainc.com lapastainc.com

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