Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


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CRACKER ➊ ➋ LESLEY STOWE FINE FOODS Salty Date and Almond Raincoast Crisps PARISIAN-TRAINED CHEF LESLEY STOWE STARTED HER BUSINESS IN 1985 as a catering operation and purveyor of desserts to the restaurant industry in Vancouver, British Columbia. Eventually, she opened a specialty food store offering house-made prepared dishes and hard-to-find imported products such as cheeses, breads, olive oils and vinegars. From that very store, Stowe and her team developed Raincoast Crisps for their catered events and retail. Raincoast Crisps were born out of her philosophy to create an innovative snack food that happens to be healthful, she says. Stowe came up with the salty date and almond crisps when her husband suggested she make a salty version of the original Raincoast Crisp. The sofi Award Winner is baked in small batches. Other flavors of the Raincoast Crisps are original, rosemary raisin pecan, cranberry hazelnut, and fig and olive. The company also offers wheat-free Raincoast Oat Crisps in cranberry, rosemary raisin, and oat and seed. Stowe says the artisanal crackers are delicious on their own or pair beautifully with cheese, dips and antipasto. The company also sells Raincoast Cookies, in flavors such as apricot, ginger and slivered almond; dried cranberry and toasted hazelnut; and dark chocolate, cherry and pecan. Suggested retail price: $5.99–6.99/6 ounces. Contact: Susan McVee, Lesley Stowe Fine Foods; 604.238.2184; susan@lesleystowe.com; lesleystowe.com.—D.M. ➊ BETSY'S CHEESE STRAWS ➋ JAN'S FARMHOUSE Betsy's Chive Cheese Straws Contact: Elizabeth B. Campbell 877.902.3141 elizabeth@moonpie.com; elizabeth@ betsyscheesestraws.com betsyscheesestraws.com CRISPS Jan's Farmhouse Crisps Contact: Jan Gorham 802.371.9712 jansfarmhousecrisps@ gmail.com jansfarmhousecrisps.com SEPTEMBER 2013 S33

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