Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


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NEW PRODUCT ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➒ ➊ BIG PICTURE FARM ➋ GIMME HEALTH FOODS ➌ GREENWAVE FOODS, INC. ➍ HAIG'S DELICACIES Eda-Zen Super Premium Shelled Edamame Contact: Soo Koon Lee 510.898.1973; 917.873.6766 soo@greenwavefoods.com crunchamame.com Taboule Salad Mix & Serve Retail Pack Contact: Mark Takvorian 510.782.6285 mark@haigsdelicacies.com haigsdelicacies.com ➏ OREGON SEAFOODS ➐ SABATINO NORTH ➑ SAUCES 'N LOVE, INC. ➒ TRES AGAVES Cocoa Latte Goat Milk Caramels Contact: Lucas Farrell 802.365.7237; 802.221.0547 bigpicturefarm@gmail.com bigpicturefarm.com Sea Fare Pacifc Seafood Bisque Contact: Mike Babcock 541.266.8862 mike@oregonseafoods.com seafarepacifc.com S6 Organic Roasted Seaweed Snacks—Teriyaki Contact: Nobuyo Komoriya 415.435.1890; 415.479.8272 nobuyo@gimmehealth.com gimmehealth.com AMERICA Trufe Mac & Cheese Contact: Wendy Matos 718.328.4120, ext. 102 w.matos@sabatinostore.com sabatinostore.com ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com Porcini and Shiitake Alfredo Contact: Paolo Volpati-Kedra 781.595.7771, ext. 11 Paolo@saucesnlove.com saucesnlove.com PRODUCTS, INC. Tres Agaves Organic Agave Nectar Contact: Graciela DeHaro 510.444.3338; 707.963.5928, ext. 4104 gdeharo@tfewines.com tresagaves.com ➎ ICELANDIC MILK AND SKYR CORP. Siggi's Raspberry Filmjölk— Non-Fat Drinkable Yogurt Contact: Isabel Rodriguez 212.966.6950 isabel@siggisdairy.com siggisdairy.com

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