Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 55 of 115

foods in focus S ea salt on chocolate has been popular for years. But what about chocolate sea salt or chocolateflavored tortilla chips? Look around, and you'll see that much-loved cacao bean venturing beyond its confectionery realm and popping up in unexpected places. Since the 2012 Winter Fancy Food Show, when Chocolate Change-Ups was identified as one of the top five trends, a growing number of products using chocolate as a surprise ingredient have come to market, including chocolate cheeses, jams, vinegars and wines. Likewise, traditional chocolate bars with creative mix-ins, from edamame to quinoa, are giving consumers a taste adventure. From top: Republic of Tea Peppermint Chocolate, Mighty Leaf Chocolate Truffle, Stonewall Kitchen Chocolate Strawberry Jam SEPTEMBER 2013 53

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