Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 69 of 115

JAM, PRESERVE, HONEY OR NUT BUTTER ➊ ➋ ➌ WILDLY DELICIOUS FINE FOODS Beet & Red Onion Marmalade ➍ AFTER 18 YEARS IN THE SPECIALTY FOOD BUSINESS, Canada's Wildly Delicious Fine Foods has developed hundreds of products. But none has been as challenging as its new Beet & Onion Marmalade. The team struggled to get the formula right, says Austin Muscat, the company's COO. The savory marmalade contains just six ingredients: beets, red onion, red wine vinegar, sugar, pectin and citric acids. It was the primary component that vexed the developers. In the earlier version, "we lost the color," Muscat explains. "We needed shorter cooking times to get the big, beautiful, perfectly red color we wanted." And beets are very messy, he notes. "We go through a lot of uniforms. It stains everything in sight." Part of the Pure & Simple line, the Beet & Onion Marmalade was conceived as a component for charcuterie plates, but it works just as well as a tenderloin glaze or a condiment for burgers and sausages. And despite the early setbacks, Muscat says it is exactly that kind of "little-used, holistic, non-conventional ingredient" that inspires his team's creativity. "We like to find an ingredient and give it a new purpose," he says. Suggested retail price: $5.50–$6/9.8 ounces. Contact: Austin Muscat, Wildly Delicious Fine Foods; 416.444.2011; austin@wildlydelicious. com; wildlydelicious.com.—C.C. ➊ ARTISAN BISCUITS, LTD. The Fine Cheese Co. Guava Exotic Fruit for Cheese Contact: Ann-Marie Dyas +44/13.35342373 am@artisanbiscuits.co.uk artisanbiscuits.co.uk ➋ MILEPOST 65 Tasmanian Honey Company Leatherwood Honey Contact: Sharon Chittick 425.881.7771 sharon@milepost65.com milepost65.com ➌ THE POSEIDON GROUP Eulogia Organic Greek Fir Honey—Limited Edition Contact: Georgia Masouras 646.926.0206 georgia@theposeidon group.net theposeidongroup.net ➍ VINTAGE BEE, INC. Creamed Honey with Hibiscus Contact: Laura Tapp 919.942.2006; 919.699.6788 laura@vintagebee.com vintagebee.com SEPTEMBER 2013 S11

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