Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 76 of 115

APPETIZER, ANTIPASTO, SALSA OR DIP ➊ ➋ ➌ GOURMET DU VILLAGE Hot Parmesan & Artichoke Dip Mix MIKE TOTT, PRESIDENT OF GOURMET DU VILLAGE, says that for the past 30 years, his team has been asking themselves the same question: How can we make it easier for our customers to entertain at home? The foundation of that answer, says Tott, is finding new ways to equip consumers with the flavorings, the herb and spice blends, and the knowledge to turn kitchen basics into something wonderful. And for the past four years, the best-selling solution has been the company's Hot Parmesan & Artichoke Dip. Once the home cook adds sour cream, mayonnaise and chopped artichokes to the mix, it's ready to be served. Tips from the boss? Tell customers that the better the mayo, the better the final product, says Tott, who adds that preparing the dip 24 hours before serving will also improve the flavor. And while many enjoy the dip straight from the fridge, Tott insists hot is best. "At every party, guests wind up in the kitchen watching you make a meal," he says. "It's so much more respectful to your guests when they see that you took the time to make something, instead of pulling a box from the freezer." Suggested retail price: $3.95/packet. Contact: Linda Zechner, Gourmet du Village; 800.668.2314; lindaz@gourmetduvillage.com; gourmetduvillage.com.—C.C. ➊ GRACE & I Handcrafted Hawaiian Press Contact: Mina Kolahi 800.584.1736 mina.kolahi@gmail.com; delight@graceandi.com graceandi.com S18 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com ➋ MILAS FOODS Oloves Tasty Mediterranean Green Olives Contact: Cetin Amato 201.773.4872; 201.702.1244 camato@milasfood.com milasfood.com ➌ NAPA CAKES Panforte Contact: Marjorie Caldwell 707.944.8626 napacakes@msn.com napacakespanforte.com

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