Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 85 of 115

OIL ➊ ➋ LOS CHILEROS Stöger Pure Cherry Seed Oil "THE STÖGER FAMILY IS FALLING OFF THEIR TRACTORS with excitement," jokes Ian Johnson of Los Chileros, importer of this year's Outstanding Oil winner. Stöger Pure Cherry Seed Oil is produced on a small family farm in Neuruppersdorf, Austria. The family began as pumpkin seed farmers, and the cherry seed oil was developed after the success of Stöger's pumpkin seed oil, when Alan and Marietta DeAngelo, owners of Culinary Imports, a division of Los Chileros and the exclusive United States importer of the line, asked what other types of oils the company might develop. Stöger Pure Cherry Seed Oil was introduced to the U.S. at the 2013 Winter Fancy Food Show along with cold-pressed tomato seed and chile seed oils. The response exceeded all expectations. "We knew it was a unique, special product," says Johnson. The cherry seed oil is not flavored and not infused. "It is cold-pressed from the cherry pits," Johnson explains. This technique produces a pure finishing oil with a deep golden color and a rich, sweet flavor similar to almonds or marzipan. The oil is characterized by the healthful properties of the cherry, a fruit high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Johnson suggests drizzling the oil on cheeses, meats and even vanilla frosting or ice cream. Suggested retail price: $24.95/3.38 fluid ounces. Contact: Ian Johnson, Los Chileros; 505.768.1100; ian@loschileros.com; loschileros.com.—E.P. ➊ CALIVIRGIN— COLDANI OLIVE RANCH Calivirgin Bountiful Basil Olive Oil Contact: Julie Coldani 209.210.3162 julie.coldani@gmail.com calivirgin.com ➋ FOOD & VINE, INC. Salute Santé! Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Syrah Grapeseed Oil Contact: Nanette Humer 707.251.3900 nanette@grapeseedoil.com grapeseedoil.com SEPTEMBER 2013 S27

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