Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

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Page 93 of 115

COLD BEVERAGE TIE CANADA ENTERPRISES, LLC Jin+Ja WHAT DOES REUBEN CANADA CALL scoring a sofi Award for Outstanding Cold Beverage the first year he entered Jin+Ja, his all-natural ginger-based concoction? "Validation," he says. Canada is a first-time entrepreneur who left a career as a patent attorney and cashed out his 401K to follow his dream. Unsurprisingly, friends and family tried to discourage him, but after seeing the effects of the 2008 economic crash on people from all walks of life, Canada decided to go all in. Experimenting in his kitchen in Philadelphia, Canada wanted a beverage that was both tasty and healthful. His eureka moment came with ginger, a taste, he says, that reminds people from diverse backgrounds of treasured family recipes. Made using just six ingredients—fresh ginger, cayenne pepper, lemons, green tea, mint and cane sugar—Jin+Ja offers something its creator calls a three-dimensional drinking experience. "Most drinks are two-dimensional; you need spice, carbonation or alcohol to make it come alive," Canada says. While Canada suggests that culinary adventurers try Jin+Ja straight up, the beverage can also be used to enhance hot or cold tea, blended with soups or juices, or used as a mixer for cocktails. Suggested retail price: $3.50/6.3 fluid ounces; $9.99/25.3 fluid ounces. Contact: Reuben Canada, Canada Enterprises, LLC; 215.690.1470; reuben@jinjadrink.com; drinkjinja.com.—C.C. ➊ LUKE'S HEIRLOOM TOMATO JUICE Bloody Delicious Mary Mix Contact: Jim Hudson 515.321.7500 jimhudson@lukes premierfoods.com lukespremierfoods.com SEPTEMBER 2013 S35

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