Specialty Food Magazine

SEP 2013

Specialty Food Magazine is the leading publication for retailers, manufacturers and foodservice professionals in the specialty food trade. It provides news, trends and business-building insights that help readers keep their businesses competitive.

Issue link: https://www.e-digitaleditions.com/i/165618

Contents of this Issue


Page 82 of 115

FOOD GIFT ➊ ➋ ➌ BEE RAW Manhattan Rooftop Honey Flight MADE FROM HONEY PRODUCED RIGHT ON THE NAMESAKE ISLAND, the Manhattan Rooftop Honey Flight is the latest in Bee Raw's line of signature flights filled with raw, single-varietal honey. "I have friends who are urbanites like myself and keep bees," says Bee Raw founder Zeke Freeman, "so the concept of doing something with rooftop honey has always interested me." Freeman teamed up with Andrew Cote, a fourth-generation beekeeper and founder of the New York City Beekeepers Association. They selected destinations familiar to both locals and tourists, and hives that had enough volume for their needs. "The reason we chose a food-gift format is rooftops produce a limited quantity of honey," Freeman says. "So this flight is just a little tasting." Sourced from Hell's Kitchen, the High Line, Central Park West and Harlem, the raw, unprocessed honey is hand-corked, sealed in beeswax and presented in a block of American oak. Freeman's company has long been a supporter of the beekeeping industry and recently launched the Save the Bees Fund, which aims to stop the rapid decline of the honeybee population. One percent of all Bee Raw profits go to the fund. Freeman plans to continue supporting the beekeeping movement by expanding his flight collection to other cities, including Paris, London and Hong Kong. Suggested retail price: $35/four 1.5-ounce units. Contact: Zeke Freeman, Bee Raw; 347.249.0238; zeke@beeraw.com; beeraw.com.—S.N. ➊ LILIKOI AND COMPANY (I HEART OLIVE OIL) Rozendal Vinegar Gift Set Contact: Danielle Scherr 954.607.1554 danielle@lilikoiandco.com rozendalvinegar.co.za S24 ❘ SPECIALTY FOOD MAGAZINE specialtyfood.com ➋ TEA FORTÉ World of Teas Large Gift Tin Contact: Susan Muller 978.369.7777, ext. 73 smuller@teaforte.com teaforte.com ➌ TORIE & HOWARD Organic Hard Candy— Gift Handbag Contact: Torie Burke 860.799.7772 torieb@torieandhoward.com torieandhoward.com

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